Collective subject discourses

Situation 3


Disability is when something is not at the level of normality expected by society. It means that a person has some kind of difficulty that’s different from others, which does not stop them from learning, working or living like “normal” people. They have trouble moving around or doing homework, and need help from classmates. For some reason, the person was born with this problem or had an accident and so loses some skills, like thinking and speaking, or a limb: a leg, an arm which stops them from being able to act like others or the student is simply born with a problem, which can be physical, mental, or both.


I would say that to be disabled is to be normal, or to put it better, “it’s normal to be different”. That his friend Caio is a child like any other, it’s just that he has a different rhythm and we have to work together, helping him so that he learns too and participates in all activities. That he is different with a different way of learning, to the point of needing special attention and care and that this does not make us better or worse, and that is why it’s important that everyone is treated with respect.


Disability means not being able to do things that others can do. The person is also different, he/she has more difficulty understanding what you understand quickly. They are people who have certain limitations, but even so they are our friends, with their own peculiarities, like everyone else. Disability interferes with their development in all activities and learning. A disabled person will not be able to carry out a certain activity due to his/her physical or mental condition.


I would say that disability is something very bad that jeopardizes people and the families of disabled people suffer a lot. They have to do everything for them, adding that they cannot even feed themselves. We have to thank God that we do not have this affliction.


I would not know how to give a child an answer to this. Despite working in a school that has these students, I cannot deal with them and I don’t really know how I would act.